Saturday, 1 December 2007

Fusion and the information fabric

Firstly apologies for not doing anything with this blog for so long. I have been so busy with work and trying to setup a new business that I did not continue with the blogs.

I have been working as the solution manager for the past 9 months with a major retailer putting in a new end to end Oracle platform: Siebel for the call centre, Oracle eBiz for the finance and fulfilment, Analytics for the MI, a new J2EE website all joined up using SOA suite (ESB being key). We are doing pretty well and are moving into testing now.

One question that arises around this stack is how the heck Oracle are going to implement fusion applications in reality.

From a technical standpoint Siebel has been a dissapointment for me. Maybe this is because I have been working too long with Oracle technology, but when it comes to utilising open standards Oracle is light years ahead. It appears to me that its adoption and utilisation of XML is very poor indeed. In a SOA world this is crazy. For me Siebel has been more of a case of "form over function".

I have also been (so far!) pleasantly surprised by the SOA suite components. The ESB has been fairly robust and I look forward to seeing it in action when we move into Operational Testing and failover.

The solution we have put together is essentially Oracle Fusion - joining the suites with the SOA technology. Is it possible - absolutely. I look forward to seeing how Oracle are doing it in more detail.... but for now I am confident that it can be done... as we can see it in action today.... more on this later..


Anonymous said...

Siebel is more than capable of Eating and spitting out XML and they joys of Webservices... if you want to get pure data in and out of data the pre-built EAI models and configurable integration objects allow you to do anything.

If you want to publish more of a procedural service out to the rest of the world then you can expose code blocks (business services) and business processes (workflow processes) as webservices with ease.

In short...Siebel is very open to XML..far more so than Oracles Ebiz suite which wouldn't know XML or webservices if they were wrapped in "web services for dummies" paper and rammed in their network ports :-)

Anonymous said...

Siebel is more than capable of Eating and spitting out XML and they joys of Webservices... if you want to get pure data in and out of data the pre-built EAI models and configurable integration objects allow you to do anything.

If you want to publish more of a procedural service out to the rest of the world then you can expose code blocks (business services) and business processes (workflow processes) as webservices with ease.

In short...Siebel is very open to XML..far more so than Oracles Ebiz suite which wouldn't know XML or webservices if they were wrapped in "web services for dummies" paper and rammed in their network ports :-)